Kamalrukh Khan | The importance of imagination
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The importance of imagination

The importance of imagination

This article was first published in the Hindustan Times on Sep 26, 2015.  All rights reserved with Hindustan Times.



The word Imagination comes from the Latin word “imaginari” which means “to picture oneself”, and depending on how we use it, our imagination can either empower us or hinder us, as our imaginations create our realities. It is a mistake to downplay the power and importance of imagination -everything that is a reality and every single thing that we have come to live, was first imagined.

Reality means different things to different people.

To most, reality means facts; to others intellect is added to the above. I believe imagination is as much a part of our reality as facts and I think as a people, we have sadly drifted away from realising the importance of imagination, which is now mainly considered a childhood profession. We are too focussed on facts and knowledge. Knowledge defines what currently exists, whereas Imagination defines all that we are yet to create and discover.

Without imagination, a person’s understanding is just limited to the facts and they miss out on the enormity, magnificence, possibilities and the magic of existence. Imagination makes it possible for us to experience a whole new world inside our minds. It gives us the ability to look at situations from a different point of view and helps us find creative solutions to any problems. As Albert Einstein said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

Imagination, when used consistently, really strengthens ones creative abilities and is great for re-modelling one’s world and life. What is imagined with faith and feeling becomes a reality. It is a very important ingredient to positive thinking and creative visualisation. When we imagine and visualise an object or a situation repeatedly, we attract it into our lives thus opening vast and new possibilities and opportunities into our lives. This means that we need to imagine our desires in a positive manner; otherwise we may attract things that we really don’t want. It is precisely this lack of understanding of the power of imagination which leads to suffering and difficulties in our lives.

The trick to turning imagination into reality is acting as if the imagined scene were real, already accomplished and is being truly experienced in the present. If you can believe and imagine in the now, then you are whatever you wish to be. This is how we can manifest our desires and make them a reality. Most people see their lives with eyes of lack, dwelling only on what they don’t have. This is also active imagination and their realities are obviously only lack. Whatever your mind can imagine and believe, it can achieve. Prove it to yourself – take one thing that is important to you and imagine it as real in your life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Play with the concept till it works for you.

The difference between imagination and wishful thinking is that wishful thinking is a function of the mind in which you are thinking about something, but not in it – you operate from a sense of void. David Thoreau, noted American author and philosopher said that, “If you built castles in the air your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them”.

Imagine a new story for your life and start living it. Wake up in the morning imagining yourself being tremendously happy, filled with the abundance of all the universal goodness. Get out of bed knowing and feeling that it is an extraordinary day. Go to bed at night imagining that you are falling into divine hands- existence is supporting you. Visualise this and fall asleep. Soon enough, realities change. So go ahead, let your mind wander off into the clouds and imagine – and imagine big.

Where thoughts go, energy flows.

Note: Kamalrukh Khan is a Mumbai-based Clinical Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach. She’s intuitive, strong and positive and loves travelling. She believes travelling to a new country is the best education she can give her kids. Painting and flying a plane or chopper top her bucket-list.

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